BSI annual report: Cyber attacks have never been as likely and expensive as they are today

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Cyber-Angriffe nie so wahrscheinlich wie heute - Blog - CyRiSo

Cyber attacks never as likely as today - Blog - CyRiSoAttacks have never been as likely and expensive as they are today. CyRiSo shows you what lessons need to be learned and how you can position yourself and your company for the future.

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) published the report on the state of IT security in Germany 2024 on November 12, 2024. The report provides an overview of the threats in cyberspace and the current security situation in Germany. Apart from the exact figures, the content is transferable to similar countries such as Austria and Switzerland. The lesson to be learned is even universal. In this article, we look at the report, interpret the content and show what companies should specifically consider.

Key message of the report

The report highlights that cybercriminals are becoming increasingly professional and organized. General figures regarding the number of new vulnerabilities, malware and phishing attacks are generally increasing almost linearly. A good example, which is representative of many of the attacks, is data leaks. The number of victims of these leaks has clearly continued to rise. The BSI reports almost 40 times as many victims as 4 years ago. According to the BSI, this is probably also due to the fact that data theft is very often integrated into other attacks, such as ransomware.

As a side effect, we can also see that the level of payments is showing a clear upward trend. The outlier from last year has normalized here and an equally linear trend can be seen. So anyone affected is at the mercy of several at once: The data leak and the associated trust-based, contractual and legal consequences, the direct financial loss due to potential payments, as well as the indirect financial loss due to the interruption of work and the engagement of experts to investigate.

It can therefore be said that it has never been as likely and expensive to be successfully attacked as it is today. At the same time, companies are becoming more and more dependent on digital and networked infrastructures. It is therefore advisable to carry out a new assessment of your company’s risk appetite.

But there are also rays of hope

Modernization is also accompanied by relief. Used correctly, these can even significantly reduce the overall expense.

A good example is the division of responsibilities. Especially in the B2B software sector, more and more manufacturers are offering their services as a service. In these cases, the so-called “shared responsibility model” is often used. According to this model, manufacturers and customers share responsibility for the resilience and security of the systems. The exact division can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer, but as a rule the manufacturer will take care of the hardware and software provided. This relieves the burden on smaller companies in particular and enables them to provide large and complex digital applications without having to bear the full technical, legal and often contractual responsibility.

Of course, an appropriate strategy must be in place in order to fully utilize this relief. A good overall concept must be adapted to the circumstances and constantly adjusted. This may sound expensive, but it can also reduce a lot of risks in a cost-effective way. CyRiSo would like to help you create, implement and maintain your strategy in an innovative as-a-service concept.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, you can contact us as follows.


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